Meet The Team

Antony Hocking
The owner of Roland Hocking Angling Suppliers. I started the brand after seeing the rise in cost of fishing tackle, and wanted to create a brand that brought a quality product to the market without the high cost associated with many retailers. We've managed to achieve this by going directly to the factories and cutting out the middle men.
Favourite fishing style: Land based bait fishing, be it in the Fresh or Saltwater.
​​Why I fish: To enjoy the great outdoors that may be on my doorstep or a great destination. The adrenaline of hooking that next big fish, keeps me coming back time and time again.
Fishing inspiration: Watching the enjoyment brought to those who fish, be it down the local pier, TV, or Online.
Favourite moment: Game fishing out of Mombasa, Kenya, whilst crook as a dog, on antibiotics, trying not to throw up. Then standing up to fight a 6ft Sail Fish with the rod in a Gimble Belt instead of the game chair.
Favourite products: Blackjack 5'6” Combo with a GW2000 reel, Suicide Sickle Hooks, & Ribbon Tail Worms

Brandon Scott
Brandon started the Gippsland Fishing Page back in 2018, with a goal of sharing the opportunities for anglers in the Gippsland Area. The page has grown steadily to now have over 10k followers on Facebook​. We're excited to be able to work with someone so dedicated to their fishing.
Favourite fishing style: My favourite fishing style would have to be lure fishing in general.
​​Why I fish: As teenager fishing as much as I do kept me out of trouble, eventually fishing became the reason I wanted to get a job and actually want to go to work for a living. Now fishing is my only pass time/ hobby and it’s all I do/ think about, I fish because it’s what I love doing.
Fishing inspiration: If I think back to when I really started fishing Dave Egan (local fly fishing guru) would be my fishing inspiration. He taught me how to make my own fishing rods in high school and he also taught me how to cast a fly rod.
Favourite moment: Would be either coming 3rd as a non boater in a ABT Bass event or being left on the beach to catch and land my 2nd big landbased shark. (8.5ft bronze whaler shark, it was tagged)
Favourite products: Black Diamond Plastics rod with JM1000 Reel, Paddle Tail Grubs.

Jesse Baron
Jesse is an Ambassador for Roland Hocking Angling Suppliers. He has been instrumental in helping to develop the current range of soft plastics, and is working in the development of upcoming releases. At just 15 years of age, we're expecting big things from this young gun in the future.
Favourite fishing style: my favourite style of fishing has definitely got to the finesse soft plastics fishing on light gear.
Why I fish: For the fun of it and the anticipation of hooking a big one.
Fishing inspiration: All of the people who I have met through fishing.
Favourite moment: My favourite fishing moment is when I landed my first ever mulloway in my old little kayak.
Favourite products: The ribbon rail worms, black jack 7ft rod and the paddle tails.

Luring Fish Australia
Started by Steve & Brett down in Geelong, the team at Luring Fish Australia have now branched into a Freshwater (Steve) and Saltwater (Brett) duo. We've seen the boys really put the hurt on some of our gear, with some great fish. We look forward to working with them on some exciting products further in the future .
Favourite fishing style:
Steve: At the moment my favourite fishing is for Murray cod at lake Mulwala in the evenings for the top water bite.
Brett: lure fishing jerk baits, soft plastics, hard body's,
​​Why I fish:
Steve: The reason I fish is I love the time I get to relax and fish with some good mates.
Brett: the challenge of trying catch fish is the best, can't beat the feeling. Watching them swim away is even better.
Fishing inspiration:
Steve: At the moment one bloke I love to watch fish is Lubin pfeiffer.
Brett: Rex hunt and Bushy from when I was a kid watching them on TV and then trying to replicate there actions was what got me into it. ​
Favourite moment:
Steve: one of my favourite fishing moments is when myself and a good group of mates when out with Zac from cross country fishing and got into a few good tuna and for most of us it was our first tuna ever.
Brett: getting out on the kayaks with Steve getting into the flathead in the pouring rain, out in the boat to catch gummy sharks.
Favourite products:
Steve: one of my all time favourite Soft plastic for salt water is a roland hocking ribbon tail in motor oil.